seminar on implementation of High Court guideline related to covid-19 by Dr. MP Singh coordinator covid-19

Dr MP Singh coordinator covid-19 conducted a seminar on High Court guidelines at Dharma Jyoti Vidyapeeth Alexander Mar Thoma Centre for logical and development studies. He said that-
 1.Functions and events must be avoided.
 2.Health check up of students and teachers may be organised.
 3.adequate information should be collected from local administration or covid centre.
 4.Sick leave policy may be developed and encourage to implement the policy.
 5.Action to be as per protocol define.
 6.Focus on most vulnerable students homeless, migrated ,disable or directly affected covid-19 throgh a family death or hospitalization to prioritize  their needs .
7.Ensure provision of assistive device and learning content as per need.
 8.Display the protocols on notice board.
 display poster, messages or notices.
 9.Make emergency support team.
 10.Make hygiene inspection team.
 11.Make commodity support team .
 12.All the students and staff members will wear mask and make the social distance.
 13.sanitize the hands after touching anything.
 14.sanitize  furniture ,equipment, rooms.
 15.Use WhatsApp on mail for detail information .
16.Don't share lunch/ dinner to another.
 17.Clean nearby area, kitchen, washroom canteen library laboratory or play ground. 
18. Teacher parents and administration need to focus on formative assessment to insert achievement of learning goals by all learners.
 19.Guidelines of the SCRT/ NCERT may be used to sansitize parents to improve their understanding of appreciation for formation assessment.
 20.All the staff members must submit their rt-pcr certificate in the office .
21.All staff member must submit their vaccination certificate in the office.
22.All the student will deposit their consent form
 23.Temperature will be taken in morning or evening of all employee.
24.On this occasion Rev Dr Sunil E Mathew  principal Express thanks to Dr MP Singh. he told that our institution trains youngsters for Bachelor of divinity course it is affiliated  to Senate of Serampore University .At present we have 46 student and 5 faculty members. All stay inside the campus students in hostel and the faculty member and their respective quarters. we do not allow visitors under normal circumstances and our students are not allowed to go outside.


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