Take action immediately to reduce air pollution-Dr MP Singh

Chief Warden civil difference and  subject expert disaster management Dr MP Singh decided that to awaken the citizens about Polution. He said that we want to live better life but we don't support to govt. Polution has been around forever in forms like air pollution, Water Polution, noise pollution, land Polution so on. 
Air pollution can be reduced if we act upon these tips -
1.Work from home. 
2.Use public transport. 
3.Use cycling. 
4.Use  On foot  walking.
5.Avoid burning leaves, trash and other materials. 
6.Turn off the lights,when you leave the room. 
7.Recycle paper, plastic, metals and organic materials.
8.Print or photo copy on both Side paper. 
9.Grow low water plants. 
10.Consider gas logs instead of wood. 
11.Stay inside.
 12.Wear mask. 
13.Eat healthy. 
14.Avoid going out. 
15.Avoid physical exercise. 
16.Take orange and lemon. 
17.Intake hot drinks with ginger and tulsi. 
18.Get an air purifier. 
19.Avoid crackers. 
20.Avoid smoking. 
21.Use fans instead of AC. 
22.Use filters for chimneys. 
23.Avoid paints and perfumes. 
24.Implement aforestation. 
25.Avoid vehicle Polution. 
26.Avoid electronic Polution. 
27.Avoid mobile Polution. 
28.Avoid brick kiln Polution. 
I have written a lot of blogs for awareness the peoples so you are requested please share to make people bit  more aware about pollution. It is our responsibility please keep your responsibility honestly Iam authorised  lecturer  and master trainer. I have written many books for example first aid, home  nursing, civil defence, disaster management, road safety ,corona  se  junk, home isolation  Ghar per bujurgon ki dekhbhal kaise karen etc please favour me. 


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