Information Are reyquired For School Disaster Management Plan- Dr MP Singh

1.No of the students
2.No of Divyang students of the teachers 
4.teaching and non teaching staff                    statement 
5.No of toilets 
6.No of drinking water taps
7.No of labs 
8.No of books in library 
9.No of school gates 
10.No of buses 
11.No of drivers 
12.No of conductors 
13.No of lady attendants 
14.No of CCTV cameras 
15.No of floors 
16.No of fire extinguishers 
17.No of pillers 
No of beems 
18.No of fans 
19.No of coolors 
20.No of AC 
21.Power load 
22.Have you power house 
23.Have you basement
24.Area of basement 
25.Lantered area 
26.Teen shad area details 
27.Open area 
28.Play ground area 
29.Safety instruments details 
30.Water tank capacity 
31.Size of entrance and exit gate 
32.Size of stairs and ramp 
33.No of security guards 
34.First aid team details 
35.Fire safety team details 
36.Search &rescue team details 
37.Medical room details 
38.Doctor /nurse details 
39.Evacuation plan 
40.Mock drill details 
41.Topic &date 
42.Nearest hospital details 
43.Nearest PS details 
44.Nearest fire station details 
45.Safety trained persons details 
46.Danger zone details 
47.Emergency contact numbers 
48.DC, Sp Adc, Acp,sdm,Deo, Beo, Control        Room, Ambulance , 
49.No of other state students/staff ,give           details 
50.Fatherless children details 
51.Motherless children details 
52.Orfans students /staff  details 
53.Blood donors details 
54.Store area details 
55.Shop area details 
56.Kitchen area details 
57.Residential area details 
58.Have you solar system 
59.Have you generator 
60.Electricity fitting is open or.                            underground 
61.Are you running day boarding school 
62.Are you running coaching classes after        the school 
63.Are you doing other activities in the school after the school 
64.Past accident details 
65.Give details of carpenter/ plumber/        electrician
66.Eye check up camp details 
67.Heath check up camp details 
68.Swimming Pool details 
69.Technical staff details 
70.Details of safety shoes, gloves, gogal,          hats,    
71.PPT on Earthquake, Bum Blast, Fire safety,  Acid Attack, Land Slide, Flood safety,  Road Safety, Electric Accident, Burn Safety   


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